Сортировка работ в портфолио

“Nordic Art Today” is a collaborative large-scale project between artists and curators from Nordic countries and Russia organized by the Сreative Аssociation of Сurators “TOK” in St. Petersburg, Russia in 2010-2011.

"Nordic Art Today" Identity

"Nordic Art Today" Identity
"Nordic Art Today" Identity
"Nordic Art Today" Identity

Poster for project Nordic Art Today
Anna Bitkina


Design of the TOK’s big scale project “Nordic Art Today” created by “Ambito” fully reflects the atmosphere of the northern region. The project design has become a unifying element for the work of 35 artists from the Nordic countries and North-West Russia.

The project did

Mikhail Komarov (design of the project)
Andrey Losich (layout designer)
Marina Boroda (manager of the project)

Project like this cost about €2000